May 21, 2023

A Life Changed...

It has been a moment since I've written but I'm here to tell you about a recent encounter I had with a man that changed his life. 

It was Tuesday afternoon and my entire day had been cleared. I decided to spend the day at home getting some much needed things done around the house. I had received a few business calls here and there but ignored them for the most part. Around 2:30 PM my phone rang and I just took the call without thinking. The person was nearby and didn't have to go too far so I agreed to give him a ride. During the twenty minutes we spent in the car together he shared a few things with me regarding himself and his situation. As he got out of my car, I heard Holy Spirit remind me that I didn't pray for him. I made a mental note of it and added him to my prayer list. 

As I drove home in the pouring rain, I decided I wasn't going to church that night. I wanted to finish up at home and just didn't feel like driving forty five minutes to church in the rain. I no more walked in the door when my phone rang. Again, I took the call and again it was the same man. He now needed a return ride because things hadn't worked out as he expected. I did not feel like going and had told him I wasn't available but would see if I had a driver who could help me out. It wasn't but a few minutes before Holy Spirit began speaking to me. He told me I needed to go pick this man up and pray with him and I knew I had to come against a spirit of suicide with this man. Holy Spirit was speaking it to me even though the man had never mentioned it. 

When I called to let him know I'd be there shortly, he sounded shocked and later confessed he hadn't expected me to even return his call. Once he was in the vehicle, I began praying with him. I heard Holy Spirit telling me to invite him to church. There went my plans of staying home. I invited him and he quickly agreed. 

During the trip to church he shared more with me about his story. He had shared with me that he grew up catholic and I was worried he would be intimidated or want to leave since our service is nothing in comparison to what he was use to. Before sitting down he picked up the tithe envelope off the chair and was holding it in his hand. Holy Spirit began to speak to me again, giving me instruction. He told me to take the $20 in cash the man had given me that day, give it back to him, and have him put it in the tithe envelope and write on the back of it what he was expecting God to do for him. I gave him the cash and the instructions and he followed them. 

The church service was amazing and the message was so anointed. It was so powerful and definitely a word for my new friend. Throughout the service I continued to pray "Lord, you told us to get them here and you would do the rest".  "Father, don't let him leave here the same way he came in". I just continued to pray that this man's life would be changed. As the altar call was given I was praying he would make his way to the altar, but he didn't. Then Pastor Liz said "there's someone here dealing with depression and you feel like you just can't go on, you can't make it one more moment, come to the altar". I knew she was speaking to him and looked over, praying he would step out of his seat and go. 

In that very moment, a young man from our evangelism team came up to him and began to give him a word of knowledge. God had shown him this mans face, and told him his name and something about him that only this man and God would know. He began to tell my friend that God spoke to him and told him that he had been in an accident and hurt his back very badly and was suffering from pain on an everyday basis. This was true. As our evangelist touched my friend, he said God was healing him of that pain right then in that moment and he would not feel that pain again. I didn't know this until the next day when shared this with me and confessed that even though he continued to search for that pain, it was no where to be found. Glory to God, Hallelujah! 

God had shared other information with our evangelist, including that this man was looking to relocate to our area and needed assistance with certain things. My church said they were going to help him. My new friend was at a loss of words. He shared with us that he had been in a different place just moments earlier that day and God had sent me to help turn it around. He told me numerous times that he was so blessed that I came along when I did and how he had thought his night was going to have a different ending to it. 

In the process of him sharing that, the evangelism team leader began speaking to me about the ministry I've been doing and how God had been speaking to her about a couple things that could greatly involve and bless my business and ministry. I left church that night feeling so overwhelmed with blessings. I loved seeing God work in this man's life. As I was praying and thanking God for all he had done for him, I remembered something I had previously heard. A man of God I follow once said sometimes our blessing is attached to an instruction. I was thinking of how God gave me an instruction for this man, he was obedient, and he left church that night with more blessings then he walked in with. Holy Spirit then spoke to me and reminded me that it was my obedience to His instructions that left me leaving church blessed that night also. 

Before he got out of the car that night, I told him to just pray and tell God what's on his heart and trust him. Speak life over his situations. The next morning he was so excited to tell me that for the first time in his life he had a two sided conversation with God and heard Him speaking back to him. God had told him everything was going to be okay and He was going to make a way for him in the situations that were weighing heavy on his heart. 

God is a good good Father. I am so blessed beyond measure to be a vessel for Him. I have no agenda of my own, I only want God's will be done in my life. In the past two years I have witnessed so many miracles, signs, and wonders. I've watched my prayers for others produce miracles. I've watched God make the impossible happen in my life and the lives of my loved ones. I've been blessed to lead others to Jesus... even a Muslim! Thank you Jesus! 

If you are dealing with depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts or are feeling desperate in your situation, I pray that you will call on the name of Jesus. You don't have to be saved. You don't have to be perfect. He is standing there, waiting for you to come to Him. Open your mouth, and say His name.... JESUS! I need you! I encourage you to do the same exact thing I told my friend to do... talk to God and tell Him what's on your heart. Trust Him and speak life over your situations. Then listen, be still and listen for Him to speak to you. 

Heavenly Father, I come before you and I thank you for who you are and for the great Father you are to us. I pray that you will reveal yourself to every person reading this. Give them eyes to see what their physical eyes cannot and ears to hear your voice as you speak to them. I pray you will give them the courage to call on you and to seek you. I cancel the assignment of the enemy off of them and I bind the gatekeeper and the strongman. I say may your will be done in their life, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Jesus we love you and we give you all the glory. In your name we pray, Amen!

I love you and pray that God has blessed you in some way through this writing. If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3


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