Apr 19, 2022


Sometimes it's the little things in life that make us happy. Recently for me it was hearing one little four letter word spoken to me by Holy Spirit while in prayer...Zinc! 

For the past couple months my hair had been shedding at an extreme rate and I noticed suddenly that my hair was so much thinner than it had ever been in my life. I began researching reasons and solutions and came up with a few vitamins I planned on purchasing to start my attempt at the road to recovery for the hair loss. They included Biotin and Iron and I knew I had to change my diet to include more healthy choices including more protein. None the less, I was driving this past Friday and was feeling down and just began to talk to God about what was on my mind.... and that's when Holy Spirit told me Zinc. I knew right away it was for my hair and I knew it wasn't my imagination.... I wouldn't come up with that on my own! I immediately did some research and seen it was for your immune system but seen nothing about hair... regardless I bought it and began taking it.  A couple days passed and I chose to change my google search to include "what does zinc do for hair loss" and that's when the Ah Ha moment happened. Google claims that Zinc plays an important role in hair tissue growth and repair. It also keeps the oil glands around the follicles working properly. Hair loss is a common symptom of zinc deficiency. 

You know it wasn't the word zinc itself  or the solution to my problem that made me so happy.... it was hearing God speak to me and knowing He was giving me knowledge that I needed to fix my issue. A lot of people including "Christians" find it hard to believe that God speaks to us. If you're a Christian and you're not hearing God speak to you then you are missing out on one of the greatest benefits of having a relationship with God. 

I will never forget the first time I heard God speak to me. It was December of 2020 and I had asked a woman I met how to hear God speak to me. She told me of Samuel in the Bible where God was calling his name. She told me to just pray, ask God to speak to me, and then listen and write down what I heard. I was so excited that day I left work early and sat in my driveway and did exactly what she said. As I just sat there listening a thought came into my head that said "Deuteronomy 4:7". I ignored it. Then it happened again. I thought... let me just look this up....

Deuteronomy 4:7 - For what great nation has a god as near to them as the Lord our God is near to us whenever we call on Him

Wow!!! It totally blew my mind... He was speaking to me. This one moment opened up the flood gates that led to a much deeper relationship with God. As the days went on He continued to guide me, speaking to me. I remember December 21st... just days later. It was my last day at work and I was heading out of town for the rest of the year. I woke up that morning with Holy Spirit guiding me and giving me step by step instructions through out the day. It started with telling me to pray... on my knees. I did it! He told me to fast that day. I did it. Around 10:30 I was finished up with my paperwork at the office and Holy Spirit instructed me to tell my boss I was going to lunch to get the rental car and he would allow me to leave for the day. So I text my boss, told him I was headed out for early lunch. He pops his head in my office and says "Are you done with your work?" I said yes. He said "Get out of here and enjoy your holiday... see you next year". What!!!!

The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is our helper and our guide. There have been many times He's given me insight or showed me things... that are just everyday things.

 For instance, while on my journey to Florida I was staying in a hotel for a short period of time. Holy Spirit had already revealed to me I would be there for at least seven days. He showed me this by reminding me of the story of Joshua going around the walls of Jericho for 7 days and on the 7th day the walls came tumbling down. He had told me to leave a certain situation alone for 7 days and as hard as it was I knew it's what I had to do. One night early into my stay at the hotel I felt an urgency to pack my stuff up before going to bed that night. I had no clue why but I did it. The next morning the front desk called me and upgraded me to a better room! In case you're wondering... on the 7th day the walls of my Jericho came crashing down! 

I've recently begun a new business and was trying to incorporate it into my website somehow. About a week ago Holy Spirit gave me specific insight on what to do!

And then there's those moments when He will give you a word for someone else! One morning I woke up thinking about a man who has been incarcerated in Pennsylvania State Prison for many years and had a life sentence. And then I heard Holy Spirit say "God is going to make a way"! I knew that word was for him but I had no clue what it meant. I immediately emailed him through the prison system and told him. He called me a couple days later and told me that his case was being re-examined because they found evidence the District Attorney's office was doing illegal things during the time of his trial. 

Just recently someone reached out to me and I felt like I should pray for them. While praying, the words just kept flowing and all of a sudden a scripture from the Bible came to my mind. 1 John 2:15 tells us that as Christians we are not to love the things of the world and Matthew 6:24 tells us that we cannot serve two masters. We cannot serve God and still be "of the world". I had no clue what was going on with this person but shared my thoughts with them, knowing it was a word for them. They later text me and said "I see what you were saying about serving two masters, I feel like I've been serving everyone but God". 

Often times when I write a blog I feel as if it's inspired by the Holy Spirit. As I sit down to write the words just flow with little to no effort at all. Saturday night when I had the revelation of why He spoke zinc to me, I wanted to get on here and share it with the world. As I sat down to write I struggled with everything. I couldn't come up with a title and could barely put my thoughts into words. I realized it wasn't the time to share. Tonight just moments before I sat down at my laptop I had a vision in my head. It was a bottle of zinc vitamins in the odd shaped photo that appears on my blog pages and the words began to form. Holy Spirit was telling me it was time to write and the words were flowing before I could even get the website open. This is just another way God speaks to us. 

God is so good. He loves us and wants a relationship with us. He created us in HIS image. He is nothing but good! I see him most often as my father, who loves me and who is the greatest Father any child could ever have. I could go on and on about how great He has been to me but I'll save that for another day. 

I just want to encourage you... everything you are missing or lacking in your life can be found in God. He created you. He knows every single thing about you and He wants to love on you and have a relationship with you. He wants to speak to you. Please feel free to reach out to me. I would love to share the love of Jesus with you and lead you to Him. 

I pray this has blessed you in some way. If you'd like to receive new blog post notifications you can subscribe. If you'd like to leave a prayer request or a testimony please feel free to do so.

May God bless you!

Much love,

Holly W <3

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