
The Enemy Sends The Counterfeit First...

It's been a bit since I've written, mostly because I've been settling in to my new area. Since I've written I've met some new people, joined the women's ministry at the church, am in the process of becoming a member of New Life Church, and got settled into my new home. 

In my last post I was talking about how Prophet Chris said that two people were going to receive notification about their housing situation. One by email and one by phone call. One would happen within 72 hours and the other within 7 days. I was definitely one of them! Praise the Lord!!! 

When I arrived in Florida I stayed in a hotel for the first week and was paying almost $100 a day. Lord knew I couldn't afford that. Prior to arriving I had made arrangements with someone on Facebook to meet on the 15th to look at a room they were renting out. Once I arrived in Destin I knew I wasn't going to take the place because it was an hour away from where the Lord called me to go. As the day neared I still felt the need to go meet with them and look at the place. On my way there I was praying and contemplating in my mind why I was even going there. I had a thought come into my mind that perhaps this person needed me to pray for them. I never had contact with this person (they weren't the one who posted the ad on Facebook) and I knew nothing about them. The house was beautiful, in a great neighborhood, and even had a swimming pool which I had been praying and asking God for. Regardless, I knew this wasn't for me. As I sat and chatted with the lady, she began to tell me about all the health issues she had been dealing with and then began to cry. I took her hand and asked her if I could pray for her. She was so grateful. I was honest and told them the place was probably not for me due to the distance but in my heart I knew God sent me there to be a light for that woman and so I could continue to pray for her. 

Now, as I mentioned in my prior post, I had met a woman in the hotel lobby where I was staying that I felt very led to go speak to. That very same night that Prophet Chris said someone's housing would come by way of email, she told me she felt led to ask me for my email address. I was like WOW! Her and I developed a friendship and we started spending time together. At one point she encouraged me to check out the local shelters just to save money and this really got into my head for a moment. I heard they aren't that bad around here but I began to question....God do you really want me to go stay at a shelter? Why would you want me to do that? Do you want me to go there to be a light to all the women there? Do you want me to bring Your glory there? Perhaps He wants me to humble myself... but I believe God is not going to take me backwards and I let the thought of the shelter go. 

I continued to pray about my housing situation and the Holy Spirit kept nudging me to look on Airbnb. Honestly, I ignored Him for a few days. I had tried to rent a house on there a year or so ago for a getaway while in Pennsylvania and for some reason it told me my account was invalid. I don't even know what that means! 

Isaiah 22:22 - He will open doors no one will be able to close and He will close doors no man may open.

Isaiah 43:16 - I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea.

Even though it seemed impossible for me to rent on Airbnb.... God will make a way where there seems to be no way!

Eventually I ended up going on there and looking around and I was astounded by the amount of places available at a much lower rate then I was paying at the hotel. I did a bit of research, checked out the reviews, and then reached out to a couple of people explaining my situation and asking if I could come check out their place. The first place I checked out seemed great. The owner had great reviews and he told me he was very rarely there. I would have the whole place to myself unless someone else came and rented another room. I decided I would take the room and move in Sunday since that's when I was checking out of the hotel. 

In the meantime, another person responded to my email and told me to come check out the place on Sunday. I was back and forth in my head for a day or two regarding what to do. This place was a few dollars more but I really liked the idea of living with a woman instead of a man. By Saturday night I decided I was going to take the first place and move into the guys house. I woke up Sunday morning, checked out of the hotel, and on my way to church I decided I would go check out the other place just for the heck of it. As I was on my way there I remember talking to my friend on the phone and saying "I'm praying this is a divine alignment from God and these people are Christians and everything is going to work out". Little did I know, that's exactly what it was!

I showed up, checked the place out, and was like.... okay this will work for now. I'm going to stay here for a week and see if I like it. The thing about me is it's very hard for me to make myself comfortable in someone else's house. I'm shy at times and don't like making myself at home at someone else's house. Fortunately, whether I knew it or not God was preparing me for this over the past two years while I was living in a roommate situation with my boyfriend at the time and a woman we had met on Craigslist. (Yes, I was living with my boyfriend at the time but I wasn't right with God then.)

As I sat at the table discussing things with the couple who owned the home they asked what brought me to the area. To tell my story to an unbeliever...they think I'm completely out of my mind! Regardless, I told them the short version of how God told me He was moving me to Destin Florida and here I am! I looked at them and said Do you believe in God?. They looked at each other and then agreed to share a story with me. Without going into the details on here, I will say they told me that on June 29th they had their second date and the Holy Spirit had told each of them they were each other's mate. 

Now this is how God works! In this moment, I absolutely knew this was where God had called me to go. This is the home I was suppose to be living in and I knew that by that story. You see it was prophesied to me that on June 29th the Holy Spirit would visit me in a dream and give me instruction. That's exactly what happened! On June 29th as I lay sleeping the Holy Spirit came to me in a dream and told me to "Move and Wait on God". This was confirmation from God that this was where He wanted me to be. But in case I wasn't sure, He provided another confirmation for me. In the next few minutes I exchanged contact information with the couple and as I gave him my phone number he said You're not going to believe this.... the combination to your room is the same exact last four digits of your phone number. Wow!!! This is how God works! He is definitely ordering my steps, guiding me where He wants me to go, and speaking to me! Glory to You Lord Jesus! I love You!!!

Psalm 37:23 - The Lord directs the steps of the Godly. He delights in every detail of their life. 

Just like God knows me, so does the enemy. He knows my weaknesses and knows how to catch me up in a trap. 

1 Peter 5:8 - Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Not every good idea is a God idea. I believe the enemy led that woman from the hotel to ask me for my email address to try to catch me up in a trap. The enemy wants to take me off my course and away from my calling. I have a caring heart and feel for those in need. In my lifetime I've taken on other's burdens when it wasn't my responsibility. Had I gone to that shelter I would have felt for those around me and the enemy would have used that to his advantage. I would become caught up in everyone else's problems and taken on false responsibilities. I could have become so entangled in a web of drama that God never intended for me to be a part of. One thing I've come to realize is the enemy always sends the counterfeit first. He tries to replicate what God is doing but in his own devious way that will take us away from God's plan for our life. 

If you feel blessed by this and want to share your thoughts, have a question, or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me using the Contact page in the links at the top of the page. If you enjoy reading this blog and don't want to miss a post you can subscribe and receive an email alert using the same link on the Contact page.

If you need prayer or have prayer requests feel free to use the Prayer Request Page. I will pray over you and your requests daily, knowing God hears my prayers. 

If you have a testimony you wish to share with me or others viewing please use the Testimony Page to submit your testimony. Be sure to check whether it can be made public or not. 

I look forward to hearing from you! Until next time....

Much Love, Holly W <3 

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